Efficient View Path Planning for Autonomous Implicit Reconstruction

Jing Zeng, Yanxu Li, Yunlong Ran, Shuo Li, Fei Gao, Lincheng Li, Shibo He, Jiming chen, Qi Ye

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Implicit neural representations have shown promising potential for the 3D scene reconstruction. Recent work applies it to autonomous 3D reconstruction by learning information gain for view path planning. Effective as it is, the computation of the information gain is expensive, and compared with that using volumetric representations, collision checking using the implicit representation for a 3D point is much slower. In the paper, we propose to 1) leverage a neural network as an implicit function approximator for the information gain field and 2) combine the implicit fine-grained representation with coarse volumetric representations to improve efficiency. Further with the improved efficiency, we propose a novel informative path planning based on a graph-based planner. Our method demonstrates significant improvements in the reconstruction quality and planning efficiency compared with autonomous reconstructions with implicit and explicit representations. We deploy the method on a real UAV and the results show that our method can plan informative views and reconstruct a scene with high quality.


The problem considered is to generate a trajectory for a robot that yields high-quality 3D models of a bounded target scene and fulfills robot constraints like time and path length. However, finding the best sequence of viewpoints is time-consuming and prohibitively expensive. We adopt the greedy strategy and trade it as a Next-Best-View (NBV) problem. At each step of the reconstruction, the information gain of viewpoints within a certain range of the current position of a robot are evaluated based on the partial reconstruction scene. An informative path considering both the information gain and the path length is then planned and executed. Images captured along the view path are selected and are fed into the 3D reconstruction of next step. The process is repeated until some critera are met.

Under the greedy strategy, our pipeline consists of three components: a Mobile Robot module, a 3D Reconstruction module and a View Path Planning module and shown as below:

The Mobile Robot module takes the images at given viewpoints and the robot locates itself by a motion capture system. During the simulation, Unity Engine renders images at given viewpoints. The 3D Reconstruction module reconstructs a scene by combining an implicit neural representation (e.g. NeRF) and a volumetric representation (A coarse TSDF). The implicit neural representation provides high quality 3D models with fine-grained details and also neural uncertainty as the information gain for the view path planning. The coarse TSDF filter viewpoints and establishes an occupancy grid map for efficient distance and occupancy query, and viewpoint filtering. The View Path Planning module first leverages volumetric representations for efficient viewpoint selection, approximates the information gain field by a MLP and plans an informative view path based the A* algorithm.


Comparison of the reconstruction scenes

Trajectories and the reconstruction results

The results are seen from top view in childroom scene.

The experiment on a real scene

Related works

Some related works also focus on autonomous implicit reconstruction:

@inproceedings{zeng2023efficient, title={Efficient view path planning for autonomous implicit reconstruction}, author={Zeng, Jing and Li, Yanxu and Ran, Yunlong and Li, Shuo and Gao, Fei and Li, Lincheng and He, Shibo and Chen, Jiming and Ye, Qi}, booktitle={2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, pages={4063--4069}, year={2023}, organization={IEEE} }